Balloon Sinuplasty – What, Why & How?
If you, your family members, or friends suffer from recurrent sinus infections, sinus headaches then a balloon sinuplasty may be the right treatment for you.
Here are a few items regarding balloon sinuplasty – what, why & how to consider. Patients that typically suffer from these conditions will need to be treated with maximal medical therapy prior to a sinus CT scan. The scan will usually show narrowing and blockage of your sinus drainage that the balloon can open and keep open. It is a onetime procedure.
A balloon sinuplasty can be done so that traditional sinus surgery is not required.
Balloon Sinuplasty differs from traditional surgery in that it can be done in the office. There is less downtime less time off of work, immediate results and no packing is necessary.
This procedure was once performed in the operating room. With newer advances in technology, we can offer this procedure in the office. A balloon sinuplasty performed in the office is often less expensive than if performed in a surgery center or hospital.
We can also improve your breathing at the same time!
To learn more about balloon sinuplasty, please see our website at or call 615-848-9265 for an appointment.
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Middle Tennessee Ear, Nose & Throat